
registration summer 2015



 From January 4th 2016 through February 29th, 2016 inclusively 

We accept registrations untill March 27 at 15h00

Registration in person
(Annette Savoie Hall – Deux-Montagnes)

(Behind Library – 200 Henri-Dunant)

Inscription on site, and pictures

31 January, 27 February ou 19 March between 9h00 and 15h00
(Note: we prefer online registrations)

Registrations to the Shamrocks soccer club is now done through the PTS web site by clicking on the following link: 




For information on House League (U4 to U8), please click here:

Registration online for players that live in Deux-Montagnes, Ste-Marthe, Pointe-Calumet, Oka or St-Placide.

If you are a player that lives in another city or to take passport pictures, you need to come in person at Annette-Savoie Hall:

Inscription on site, and pictures

31 January, 27 February ou 19 March between 9h00 and 15h00

Annette Savoie Hall – Deux-Montagnes

IMPORTANT: for the U4 to U7, you don’t need to take a photo.

Here is the table showing registrations costs for the summer of 2016.

Reminder : Late fee of $50 if you register after February 29, 2016.

Any payment made after February 29 must include the late fee


Category Birth year  A – Local
before March 1st
 A – Local from March 1st AA – before March 1st AA   after March 1st
U-04 to U-07 2012 to 2009 130.00 $ 180.00 $    
U-08 2008 165.00 $ 215.00 $    
U-09 to U-10 2007 to 2006 205.00 $ 255.00 $    
U-11 to U-12 2005 to 2004 215.00 $ 265.00 $ 365.00 $ 415.00 $
U-13 to U-18 2003 to 1998 235.00 $ 285.00 $ 385.00 $ 435.00 $
U-21 1997 to 1995 250.00 $ 300.00 $ 400.00 $ 450.00 $
SENIOR 1994 to 1981 250.00 $ 300.00 $ 400.00 $ 450.00 $
O-35 1980 and – 290.00 $ 340.00 $ 440.00 $ 490.00 $


U4 to U8 (house league): prices include a shirt, a pair of shorts, a pair of socks and a ball. The player will keep all the equipment at the end of the season.

Program “Espoir” for U8 to come.

U9 and over (intercity): prices include shorts, socks and a game jersey that you will keep.

Registration for AA will be made following evaluations made by the Shamrocks technical team. An additional $150 is required for players that will be chosen for AA and will be asked to provide payment when the team is formed. Those cost include additional equipment.

$50 late fee after February 29th 2014, but only for categories that need players.

All families that register 3 players or more will get a 10% rebate for the summer of 2015 season redeemable once all fees are paid.

If you have questions about registrations, please contact our registrar, Mr. Christian Blais, at the following e-mail address:






Registrations are from January 1st to February 29th 2016.


We accept registrations after the 29th of February for teams where there are still places available with a late fee of 50$.


In this document, the club refers to the “Club de soccer de Deux-Montagnes Inc.”


Rules are amended from time to time, and sent to members via the email used to register the member.


All checks must be made out to “Club de soccer de Deux-Montagnes Inc.”


The 5 cities that are part of the club are:

Deux-Montagnes, Ste-Marthe-sur-Le-Lac, Oka, Pointe-Calumet, and St-Placide


When you register yourself, or your child, you accept the following rules:


  • For any refused check, without funds, or other, an administrative fee of 25$ will be charged.
  • For refunds, an administrative fee of 25$ will be charged if the refund is requested before the 28th of March. After, a 50$ fee will be charged until the 30th of April, date after which no refunds will be permitted. Refund request forms must be received BEFORE May 6th 2016.
  • No refunds are allowed after April 30th, except for medical reasons.
    A refund request for medical reasons will only be accepted during the season, and will not be accepted if presented after the season is finished. For any refund request for medical reasons, a medical paper is required. Also, the refund is done to the prorate of the date at which the refund request is done:

Before June 30th: 50 % refund
Between July 1st and July 31st: 25% refund
After August 1st: no refund

  • For any registration that is refused by the club, a full refund will be given, without any administrative fees
  • For any registration for a juvenile player (U18 and less) that is not a resident of the 5 cities that are part of the club or any transferred player:
    • In 2016, a 50$ charge will be asked for non-resident players in the house league.
    • In 2017, a 50$ charge will be charged for all non-resident juvenile players.
    • A check will be done to calculate the transfer fees of the player, and the registration will be only accepted if: The transfer fees are paid by the player, or the player will play for the club for many years.
      (The charges will be paid by the player if he leaves the club prorate of 25% of the fees per year. I.e. a player must play for the club 4 years for the fees to be expunged)
      Also, the club gives itself the right to refuse access to any player that is non-resident of the 5 cities, or to any transferred player.
  • No refund request is allowed for a player that is not able to play in the competitive level he wants, unless a pre-written authorisation was given.
  • No postdated checks are accepted unless there is a written authorisation that is signed by two members of the comity.
  • Equipment will only be given to players that are in compliance with the club, and have paid their dues for the season.
  • Registration for juvenile inter-city teams (U18 and less), include a 300$ fee for a tournament. Teams that inscribe themselves in a tournament must pay all fees related to the tournament, including the trip permit, and any fees incurred during the tournament. The club is in no way responsible for any expense incurred by a team and the 300$ fee is the maximum refunded by the club.
    Tournaments must be in the playing season from April 30th till September 30th 2016 to be refunded.
    A refund request for a tournament must be presented inside of 30 days after the date of the tournament.
  • AA fees are 150$ and include an equipment kit that will be given to each AA player.
  • Fines caused by a player and/or a team are the responsibility of the player and/or the team. An internal disciplinary comity composed of two members of the comity and two members of the club will take the decision as to choose if the fine will be paid by the player, the team, or expunged by the club.
    For example, a team that does not present itself to a game, by choice, and causes a fine to the club will be required to reimburse the fine.
    However, a team that cannot present itself due to an accident on the road, or any other major cause will not be required to reimburse the fine.
  • A player that receives a fine for violence, verbal or physical, will be automatically asked to reimburse the fine received by the club.
  • Players must respect the rules of Soccer Laurentides, and those rules are an integral part of the rules of our club. They are available on the website of Soccer Laurentides.
  • A team that wishes protest a fee must pay for the protest.
  • A player can be expulsed by the club, with a valid reason, and this without financial compensation.
  • Any player that owes amounts to the club will be suspended, and will not be freed until all amounts owing have been paid.
  • The club is in majority made out of members that are volunteers, and that receive no monetary compensation for the time given to the club. Players, and their parents understand that they will be asked to help the club, and in some cases, they will be asked to coach a team.
  • Parents must read and accept the ethical code of parents included



Ethical code of parents:


  1. I understand that my child is practicing a sport for his pleasure, and not for mine.
  2. I consider victory as a happy event, and I play down losses, and recognize errors as being part of the learning process.
  3. I respect the decisions of the coaches and their volunteer work
  4. I understand the difficult work of referees, and I respect their decisions.
  5. I recognize the good work of my child, and those of the other competitors.
  6. I accept the limits of my child, and I do not project demesurate ambitions on him.
  7. I try to learn the rules of the sport so that my ignorance does not affect my judgement towards the decisions of the coaches and referees.
  8. I do not see child sportsmen as adult miniature sportsmen.
  9. I give my child the values of respect, discipline, efforts and loyalty, and I have an exemplary behavior in the stands
  10. I do not tolerate nor encourage physical or physiological violence
  11. I encourage my child to develop his abilities and his sportsmanship.
  12. I understand that not all players will participate equally to matches and that only the coaches will decide on the play time, and the position of my child
  13. I will not put any pressure on coaches to change the play time, or the position of my child.


Disciplinary comity of the club:

  • The disciplinary comity of the club is made out of at least 2 members of the club comity, and they must not have filial relationships. As much as possible, the comity will be made out of one man and one woman.
  • The comity will ask for the advice of the chief referee, and will take their decision based on the written chief referee’s opinion.

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